It’s no secret that most of us don’t lead the healthiest lifestyles – even if we try to!
With food quality dropping worldwide (we’re still very blessed in South Africa!!!), there’s no guarantee that the food we’re eating actually offers the nourishment it’s supposed to.
Add in junk food diets, too many nights out, slight caffeine addiction, and, voile, your gut is already crying out for some TLC.
Enter Elixirmune Gut Guard, a soil-based probiotic.
What Exactly Is A Probiotic?
Most people focused on health and nutrition have tried out some or other probiotic at some point.
Swallowing a capsule or spoonful of bacteria sounds a little bizarre, but it’s worth remembering that we already have millions of microorganisms living in our bodies.
Some are good, and some are bad.
Probiotic supplements add in more of the good bacteria, helping to keep a balance in your body.
This is especially important if bacteria is harmed in some way – such as when you take antibiotics – but many people generally do better by adding probiotic supplements.
These help support your immune system and control inflammation, but can also help you digest your food better, break down medications, and keep bad bacteria away.
Which Ailments Do Probiotics Help With?
You can also choose to take a probiotic supplement to assist with various gut issues, including:
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Inflammatory bowel syndrome
- Yeast infections
- Urinary tract infections
- Lactose intolerance
- Diarrhoea and constipation
Of course, not all probiotic supplements are created equal, and not all supplements work for everyone.
Can I Get Probiotics From Food?
Sure, you can get great amounts of probiotics from food – provided the food you’re buying is high-quality!
Good options include:
- Quality natural yoghurt (sorry, those chocolate-flavoured dairy snacks won’t do the trick)
- Kefir
- Kombucha
- Fermented foods, like sauerkraut or pickles
You’ll want to look for foods with live and active cultures to ensure that the items you choose contain actual live bacteria that will do you good.
Choosing A Probiotic Supplement
Probiotic supplements are the way to go if you can’t trust the quality of your food – or can’t stand the taste of yet another bite of kefir or sauerkraut.
So I tried the Elixirmune Gut Guard, a uniquely South African soil-based probiotic.
A what now?
I also hadn’t come across soil-based probiotics before, but, basically, it means that Elixirmune harvests good bacteria from soil (virgin forest soil, to be exact) and bio-ferments it for three months.
If you’ve tried regular probiotics and haven’t found that they make much of a difference, you should give soil-based probiotics a go.
How Do Soil-Based Probiotics Differ?
Soil-based probiotics may still release billions of good bacteria into your gut, but they’re not exactly the same as standard probiotics.
There are two main differences:
- Soil-based probiotics have a longer shelf life and don’t need to be refrigerated. This is convenient if, like me, you forget to take supplements if they’re hidden away in your fridge.
- Soil-based probiotics are less likely to be damaged while journeying through your stomach and small intestine, meaning they’re more likely to actually be absorbed.
In a nutshell, soil-based probiotics are more durable, hardy little things that are more likely to give you the good effect you’re actually looking for.
So What’s In Elixirmune?
Elixirmune contains 43 naturally produced live culture soil-based probiotic strains, bio-active humus extracts and organic soil carbons to aid fermentation, and molasses.
All of these play a role in promoting gut health – hence the term “gut guard”.
Unlike the more common capsule-form probiotics, Elixirmune Gut Guard is a liquid probiotic with interesting dosage instructions.
Mix one full teaspoon in a glass of water, stir well, and let it sit for 10 minutes before drinking.
You can also apply Elixirmune topically to treat ailments such as burn wounds, eczema, and cracked heels.
I didn’t try the topical application as I have nothing to test it on at the moment (#KnockOnWood), but I did give sipping the gut guard a go.
Sipping The Elixir
I’ll be honest, I wasn’t too much of a fan when I first tried Elixirmune.
It has a strong almost liquorice-like flavour (and not the delicious All Sorts kind), which seemed very overpowering at first.
I did get used to it after about two weeks, though – you only have to take Elixirmune 3x a week, in the evenings, for best effect.
And has it worked?
Well, I’m still in the midst of trying it, but so far, so good. I’m feeling healthy and tummy-happy.
And, really, what more could a foodie want?
For someone like me, without any serious ailments, Elixirmune is a boost to ensure I continue to be happy and healthy.
But there are also dozens of testimonials & reports of Elixirmune making a world of difference to people struggling with chronic ailments such as diabetes, urinary tract infections, leaky gut syndrome, IBS, migraines, constipation, ulcers, and even long Covid!
So whether you’re looking to give your body a boost or cure something you’ve been struggling with for a while, Elixirmune is definitely worth a try!
What Does Elixirmune Cost?
If you’ve ever wandered into health stores, you already know that probiotics can be incredibly expensive.
In comparison, Elixirume Gut Guard is quite reasonably priced.
It comes in two sizes:
- 3-week programme (50ml): R350, including shipping within SA
- 10-week programme (100 ml): R650, including shipping within SA
In contrast to some of the other must-be-refrigerated probiotics I’ve seen, these prices are fantastic.
I often choose not to buy a probiotic – even though I really should – simply because I can’t warrant spending R1000 – R1500 on a supplement that won’t last me more than 30 days!
Elixirmune is quite a bit more affordable.
Why not start with their 3-week programme and see how you go?
It’s a small price to pay for a healthy gut!
Shop Elixirmune
Where do you buy Elixirmune Gut Guard?
So glad you asked.
They have a user-friendly online shop where you can simply choose your product, click, and checkout.
A healthy gut has never been so easy!
Contact Elixirmune South Africa
Call: +27 827 069 481
Written by Benike Palfi
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Article Date: February 2022
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