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Two of my favourite things in life are going on adventures and Chardonnay. Chardonnay and I have been in a love affair for a few years now and it’s been pretty awesome. Now, when I get to combine two of my favourite things in a single day, well, that is a perfect day indeed. And that’s exactly what I could do at Weltevrede Wines!

It just so happens that the beautiful Weltevrede Wine Estate in Bonnievale has gone through a bit of a reinvention and decided to focus exclusively on Chardonnay (yay) and Cap Classique (also yay).

They’ve also decided to add some pretty cool new tours to the mix: A Chardonnay tour and a Cap Classique tour.

There’s also a super cool adventure where you can create your very own bottle of Cap Classique!!! Yay, novelty factor!

But before I delve into this brand new dose of magic, here is a bit about Weltrevrede.

Weltevrede wine estate views

Hello Weltevrede Wine Estate

Weltrevrede is steeped in history.

The Jonker family has been making wine here for almost a hundred years. The beautiful estate feels a bit like you are being welcomed into a family home: Warm, inviting, and filled with love.

And that sits just about right with me.

As you enter the Weltevrede property, you are greeted by the oldest vines on the estate. Initially planted in 1926, these bonsai-like vines have recently moved to the entrance of Weltevrede.

Weltevrede wine estate cellar

It’s worth taking a moment to be in awe of these grand old dames and revel in the fact that five generations of the Jonker family have tasted the fruits of these vines.

Winemaker Philip Jonker talks about Weltevrede (translation: “well satisfied” or “to be content”) with love and pride.

When asked why Chardonnay, he responds, “Chardonnay chose us.”

I feel the same, Philip, I feel the same …

The Weltevrede Wines & Cap Classique

As mentioned, Weltevrede focuses exclusively on Chardonnay (Calcrete, Place of Rocks, Poet’s Prayer) and Cap Classique (Brut Entheos, Brut The Ring).

Of course, you can taste and purchase these wines on the estate, but if you really want to have an adventure, I recommend the tours.

Lasting two hours, each of these takes you deep into an underground world filled with memorabilia, history, a wealth of information and, of course, some tastings.

Let’s explore.

Weltevrede Chardonnay wines

Weltevrede Wines: Captivated by Chardonnay Tour

The Tour

This guided tour literally leads you into a dimly lit underground world.

Here, you are surprised with winding corridors filled with countless nooks and crannies, each corner bursting with a treasure trove of information.

  • Expect to delve into the history of wine and Chardonnay.
  • Beautifully created artworks and old books allow you a glimpse into the past.
  • Be in awe of dust-covered Weltevrede vintages from times long since gone.
  • Illuminated boards allow you to dive even deeper into this vast world.

It’s an adventure for sure.

Weltevrede underground cellar
The Wine

During the tour, you will stop at three candle-lit, cave-like tasting rooms, each dedicated to one of the Weltevrede Chardonnays.

Here, you will learn a bit more about the Chardonnay in question and be guided through the tasting.

  1. First up, Calcrete: This unwooded Chardonnay surprises in being fresh and happy. An easy-drinking, refreshing wine suitable even for those who are not the biggest chardonnay fans.
  2. Next up, Place of Rocks: This rich Chardonnay is full of personality and surprising freshness. A great Chardonnay for any dinner or leisurely lunch.
  3. And, finally, Poet’s Prayer: This Chardonnay tasting is accompanied by a reading of the Poet’s Prayer poem, which reminds you that “You are loved despite your mistakes and history.”

The latter was my favourite of the three Chardonnays, a buttery wine that’s full of longing and history. This is definitely the bottle you want for that special occasion.

Weltevrede underground cellar and cap classique

Weltevrede Wines: Captivated by Cap Classique Tour

The Tour

Albeit slightly less dimly lit, this guided tour also takes you underground.

Here, you have a chance to explore the world of Cap Classique.

You also get to wander through rows of bottles of Philip Jonker Brut, patiently awaiting their time to shine.

The dusty bottles remind you of the time it takes to make magic and how patience is often a good thing.

The Cap Classique

At the end of the tour, you’re welcomed into a tasting room where you get to try both versions of Weltevrede Cap Classique.

  1. The light-hearted Philip Jonker Brut Entheos is 60% Chardonnay and 40% Pinot Noir. 
  2. The Philip Jonker Brut The Ring is 100% Chardonnay.

Needless to say, the latter was my favourite of the two.

Weltevrede labelling cap classique bottles

Create Your Own Bottle of Cap Classique

For those wanting a bit of novelty, it’s definitely worth trying your hand at creating a bottle of Philip Jonker Brut Entheos.

Donning safety goggles, you can disgorge, dosage (if wanted), cork, and label your own bottle. It’s super fun!

An additional bonus: You get to keep your freshly made bottle of bubbles!!!

But the bad news is that you’re going to have to wait three months before you can pop that cork.

Disgorging the bottle makes it lose pressure and you’ve got to wait for all that wonderful pressure to build up again.

But remember what we said about patience …

Making a bottle of cap classique

The Bottom Line: Making An Adventure Of It

Weltevrede is a bit of a distance from Cape Town, but, let’s be honest, you’re not just travelling to taste wine.

You’re going on an adventure – and what could be better than that?

My suggestion is to make a weekend of it.

Book some beautiful accommodation in the Robertson Valley, visit Weltrevrede in the morning, explore Cap Classique with the Captivated by Cap Classique tour (10:00), and create your own bottle.

Then, have lunch at the soon-to-open restaurant and delve into the world of Chardonnay with the Captivated by Chardonnay tour (14:00).

Weltevrede wine estate south africa

The Nitty Gritty: The Tour Details

The two-hour tours are capped at 12 people and booking is essential.

Here the essential details:

  • Prices are R250 per tour.
  • The Create your Own Cap Classique adventure costs R200 and includes your very own bottle of Entheos.
  • Combine the Cap Classique tour and the Create your Own for R400.
  • For more information & to book, visit

You can also visit Weltevrede on socials. Links below.


Thank yous: A huge thank you to Weltevrede for the sneak peek into your brand new tours. Thank you also to Philip for sharing your vast knowledge with us. And, as always, much love and thanks to Mira and the team at Hot Oven Marketing.

Written by Sabine Palfi
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Article Date: November 2021

All information correct at time of publication. We do not accept any liability caused by errors, including, but not limited to, changes in price, menu, opening times, address, or other contact details. 

Images courtesy of Hot Oven Marketing.